Since every Lion in Kansas MD17 is a member of the Kansas Lions Foundation your club has a very important tool you can use to solicit more donations from area businesses and individuals for your club projects.
The Kansas Lions Foundation is a 501(c)3 Foundation and can set up a Club Project Account for your Lions Club. When you receive monetary donations for a club project from a company or individual they may be want to use the donation as a charitable tax deduction. Many individuals and companies require a 501(c)3 designation for your club to get a donation. We can provide this by having the check made out to the Kansas Lions Foundation. Note - Most Lions Clubs are not a 501(c)3 and cannot give this information to potential donors for donations.
The Kansas Lions Foundation can help. By setting up Club Project Account for a one-time service fee of $5.00 your Lions Club can have your donations sent to the Kansas Lions Foundation. When you set up the account you designate how your donation should be handled.
Send money back to your club treasurer after a 10 business day waiting period
Hold the donations in your Kansas Lions Foundation Club Account until ___________ (date) and then send money back to the club treasurer when requested I writing.
Hold donations in your Kansas Lions Foundation Club Account until your treasurer sends a written request to redeem the funds.
Note - A Club Account must be set up with the foundation before the donation is accepted and all checks must be made out to the Kansas Lions Foundation.
We encourage your club to consider using our services to increase your donations for your local Lions Club project. Please look on the back side of this form for an application for of a Club Project Account for your Lions Club.
Pink Lion
KLF offers a unique opportunity to support your Foundation. For a contribution of $100 or more, you will receive our distinctive Pink Lion pin.
Contact any foundation member for more information. Contributions may made by using our Donation and Pledge Form to the Foundation’s treasurer, PDG Dan Funke, 9 Argon, Goddard, KS. 67052.
Wunder Fellowship
In recognition of their many contributions to Kansas Lions, the Kansas Lions Foundation has established the Bill & Dorothy Wunder Youth Fellowship.
Kansas Lions Clubs and/or individuals are invited to make a contribution of $500. All monies will be used entirely to support Youth Activities of the Foundation. Contributors will receive a gold Fellowship Pin and a signed letter of appreciation from PIP Wunder.
Contributors may elect to pay for the Fellowship over a three-year period, similar to the Campaign SightFirst program.