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Lions Quest

Lions Quest

Lions Quest is a “Quality, Unique, Educational Skill Training” program for all children, kindergarten through grade 12.


Since 1984, Lions Clubs have sponsored Lions Quest programs for local schools. The objectives are geared to each age group and are presented at an appropriate level for students.


The three programs are Skills for Growing, K-5; Skills for Adolescence, 6-8; and Skills for Action, 9-12. All of the Lions Quest programs teach young people the skills they need for everyday living. These skills include: learning to accept responsibility, communicating effectively, setting goals, making healthy decisions and resisting peer pressure to use alcohol and drugs. All three programs emphasize service.

Lions clubs can become involved with a Lions Quest classroom by helping young people implement a community service project. They can also serve as effective partners by providing financial support for training and materials.


The Lions Quest programs are the most widely used life service learning/skills/drug abuse prevention program in the world.

To schedule a presentation about Lions Quest, or to receive additional information, please contact the Quest Co-Chairs PCC DeAnne Heersche at or PDG Jerry Loney. 


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Kansas Lions Foundation

MISSION:  Serving as the Humanitarian, Educational and Charitable arm of the Kansas Lions to benefit local community and youth programs.

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"We Serve"
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