The Kansas Lions Foundation (KLF) was founded in 1999, formed to increase the level of community service and support through education, humanitarian, and charitable projects. Programs include the ALERT (disaster response) program, Lions Quest, Deaf and Hard of Hearing long term summer camp scholarships, Peace Poster contest, and Youth Exchange.
The Kansas Lions Alert Team (KLAT) Emergency Grant Criteria and Application helps to provide immediate emergency relief to the victims of a residence displacement. KLAT emergency funds are available for relief aid in the wake of any natural or man-made disaster that is not within the confines of a LCIF Emergency Grant.
The Kansas Lions Foundation receives contributions to be distributed to other 501c3 organizations, as well as qualified persons, organizations and Lions Clubs for community and youth programs.
The objective of the Lions ALERT Program is to develop a plan of action in case of a Level One (affecting a few people), Level Two (affecting a community) or Level Three emergency (affecting hundreds or thousands of people in a region).
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Camp
Each year, deaf and hard of hearing high school age students from across Kansas gather at Rock Springs Camp near Junction City for a week of excitement and activities.
Youth Exchange does not involve tourism, academic study or employment. Instead, youth are encouraged to use their travel opportunity to share their own culture while experiencing a new one. The YCE program is comprised of two major parts: international exchanges and international camps.